Now that spring is here, we can all look forward to putting our heating systems into hibernation. It won’t be long before we hear the cooling hum of our air conditioners. But before we jump headfirst into the summer season, now is the time to get your home ready for the heat!

Taking the proper steps helps ensure your home is comfortable, cost-effective and safe during the warmer months. Following a few best practices creates a pleasant environment for you and your loved ones to enjoy the season without worrying about discomfort, high utility bills or safety hazards.

We’ve outlined three areas to help prepare you and your home for summer.

Equipment Maintenance

Our air conditioning systems work hard to keep us cool all summer. Regular maintenance helps prevent breakdowns and costly repairs by addressing minor issues before they become significant problems. It also ensures the system operates at peak performance, keeping your home cool while saving energy.

The best way to prepare your system for the warm weather is by getting it prepared today.

Here are six tips to get your cooling equipment ready for summer:

  1. Schedule an air conditioning tune-up.
  2. Upgrade outdated or broken cooling equipment.
  3. Clean your air filters regularly.
  4. Check your home’s insulation.
  5. Install programmable thermostats.
  6. Inspect your ducts and vents.

Energy Conservation

Practicing energy conservation will help reduce your carbon emissions and lower annual energy costs. Besides putting more money back in your pocket, lowering your energy consumption benefits the planet by reducing your carbon footprint. It’s a win-win situation for both your wallet and the environment.

Here are six summer conservation tips to help you save money this summer:

  1. Change the direction of your ceiling fans to spin in a counterclockwise direction.
  2. Keep your blinds and window coverings drawn during the day to prevent heat gain.
  3. Seal cracks and openings to prevent warm air from leaking into your home.
  4. Cook outside whenever possible.
  5. Change or clean your air conditioning filter monthly during the cooling season to improve airflow and efficiency.
  6. Try using energy in the early morning or late evening to avoid higher rates.

Summer Safety Tips

Your safety is our top priority. Promoting safety and good air quality in your home creates a healthier and more comfortable environment for your family, reducing the risk of potential hazards and health issues. Being proactive helps everyone stay safe, breathe easier, sleep better and remain healthy.

Use these safety tips to protect yourself and your home while you enjoy the sunny weather:

  1. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  2. Have your indoor air quality tested
  3. Use grills with caution and never indoors
  4. Clean your air ducts to improve indoor air quality
  5. Make sure your outlets are covered when not in use
  6. Keep 10 feet of space between an outdoor firepit and your home or anything that can burn

Benefits of Scheduling an Air Conditioning Tune-Up Before Summer Arrives

While you enjoyed hot chocolate in your warm and cozy home, your air conditioning system patiently waited for the seasons to change. While it may not seem like it just yet, summer weather is right around the corner, and the best way to prepare for the heat tomorrow is by scheduling your air conditioning tune-up today!

Air conditioning tune-ups help prepare your cooling system in a variety of ways. By thoroughly testing and cleaning your equipment, our technicians will be able to improve efficiency and catch minor issues before they lead to costly ones.

Your air conditioner works hard to provide you with crisp, cool air in the summer. Return the favor by scheduling a tune-up and receive these benefits:

  • Improved equipment life span: Annual maintenance tune-ups keep your cooling equipment in tip-top shape, helping extend its longevity.
  • Reduced energy bills: An air conditioning tune-up can help your system operate more efficiently. It requires less power to provide cool temperatures and help lower your monthly utility bills.
  • Increased home comfort: Inefficient or broken air conditioning equipment can provide reduced comfort and uneven cooling throughout your home. A tune-up can help keep your equipment humming all summer long.
  • Peace of mind: You can enjoy spring and summer more comfortably knowing that your air conditioner has been tested, cleaned and repaired by our qualified technicians.

How Leggett Inc. Can Help

At Leggett Inc., we understand the importance of keeping your home safe, comfortable and efficient year-round. We offer homeowners a comprehensive range of services to meet these needs, including preventive maintenance like air conditioner tune-ups.

Our team leverages decades of combined experience, advanced tools, and premium-grade supplies to get the job done right the first time. We can also install new air conditioning and heating systems if your home is ready for a cooling or heating upgrade.

If you’re ready to prepare your Central Pennsylvania home for the upcoming summer, the professionals at Leggett Inc. can help. Contact us online or call 717-737-4562 today to get started.