When it comes to home heating and cooling, you may have some misconceptions about how to properly utilize a thermostat, or how to find the right heating and cooling equipment for your home.  This article will give you some helpful advice.

Why Is It Important to Understand HVAC Myths?

When dealing with your HVAC, it’s essential to have the facts. When you have accurate information about HVAC systems, you empower yourself to take the best actions for your home. You know how to save money by making the right choices for your system, and you get to enjoy a more comfortable residence.

No matter where you live in Central Pennsylvania, learning more about your HVAC system helps you stay one step ahead of local weather.

Let’s put some myths to bed in order to help clear things up!

MYTH: Turning the thermostat all the way up or down will heat or cool your home faster.

Not true! By cranking your heating or cooling system, all you’re doing is putting more strain on the equipment. Additionally, you’ll be dealing with undesirable indoor temperatures and wasted energy.

MYTH: Purchasing the largest heating or cooling equipment is the most effective way to stay comfy.

When shopping around for heating and cooling equipment, sizing is very important. However, you won’t get the most bang for your buck by buying the biggest piece of equipment available. Let us help you find the right-sized equipment for your Central PA home!

MYTH: Shutting off your heating and cooling systems when going away is the best practice.

This is not always the case. Severe weather conditions – extreme heat or cold – can prove to be problematic for an unoccupied home. Frozen pipes and water damage are common issues during winter, and high levels of humidity in summer can damage homes as well.

MYTH: Ceiling fans are only good for keeping cool in summer.

You wouldn’t necessarily know it since it’s installed up on the ceiling, but there’s a switch that allows you to change the direction of your ceiling fan so it can help you stay comfortable in both summer and winter months! Counterclockwise to push cool air down for the summer and clockwise to pull cool air up for the winter.

MYTH: It’s best to keep the same temperature day and night so you don’t use extra energy to heat a cold room.

Just as temperatures in Central Pennsylvania vary, you’ll want to adjust the temperature on your thermostat. It does take less energy to heat a cold home or room than to maintain the same temperature all day. Daily fluctuations are why programmable thermostats were created.

MYTH: Duct tape can be used to repair air ducts and especially air duct leaks.

Duct tape doesn’t have anything to do with ducts. It was invented during World War II and was called “duck” tape because it repelled water like a duck’s feathers. At the time, it consisted of cotton duck fabric. Duct tape is not intended for air ducts and does not tend to stick well to them. If you have a leak, it is best to call an HVAC repair professional.

MYTH: Portable heaters will help me save money.

Not necessarily. Portable heaters can be useful for occasional heating in a small area, but in many cases, they do not completely heat a room. Many homeowners run portable heaters and still need to turn up the heat, which will not provide energy savings.

MYTH: My HVAC system should only be based on my home’s size.

Not true. An HVAC professional will consider many factors before recommending an HVAC system, including ventilation, air leaks, windows, ducts, insulation and other factors. Your needs and preferences also play a role in which system may be right for you.

MYTH: I can easily deal with a hot room by adding a window air conditioning unit.

A hot or cold room in your Central Pennsylvania home can have many causes, including air flow problems. An HVAC specialist can determine if there is an issue with your HVAC system or an inefficiency that’s causing the problem. Only installing an air conditioner may add to energy costs without targeting the root cause.

Learn More About HVAC Systems With Leggett Inc.

Can you think of any heating or cooling myths you’ve come across that you’d like busted open? Let us know! Give us a call or contact us online to share your myths, and we might include them in our next newsletter.

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